
Cross the Line!

Cross the Line!

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Don’t cross that line” ?  I’m sure you have.  In fact, I had a roommate in college that put a belt on the floor and told me that it was the dividing line and then added, “Don’t cross that line!”  Wow!!  I was surprised and a bit hurt, but…

Steps to a Healthier Life

Steps to a Healthier Life Pray each morning and ask God to help you make good choices. Pray for “a way out” when you are tempted to eat things you know are not healthy for His temple. Try to eat God’s food, not man’s food.   Try to eat grains that have not been genetically…

Chronic Illness

Lifestyle Management for those with Chronic Illness 1.   There is no shame in having a Chronic illness, and acceptance is the first step to managing your situation or to healing.  We must always accept where we are in life to move forward.  Denial keeps you trapped. 2.  At the same time, recognize who you are…